How to change the loop variable in a for loop?

Godot Version

v4.2.1.stable.official [b09f793f5]


How do you change the loop variable within a loop?
For example, how would you write:

for(int i = 0;i<10;i++){

this works:

var i = 0
    i -= 1
  i += 1

but is less readable, var i is now outside loop scope, continues and the iteration have to be handled.
If anyone figures out a better solution, please add it.

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What is your end goal?

This is the best solution in GDScript, there is no way to capture such a variable within the loop scope.

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iterating through a list and swapping elements. unfortunate, but ill use the above solutiong

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Oh in that case you can literally do something like

for item in list:

This will call the do_thing() method on every item in your list.
You can of course also add conditions so only certain items within your list are affected.

for item in list:
   if = "Apple":
      print("Item ", item, " was the apple!")

It’s not a good idea to edit a list while iterating through it like that, and swapping items in the list is easier with indecies instead of just references.

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