How to connect the signal of the button with two different scene?

Godot Version



I want to press a button in scene A, then switch to scene B, and have scene B receive the signal of the button pressed in scene A and print something.


button in A_Scene:

extends Button

signal join_pressed

func _on_join_pressed():


extends Node2D

func _ready():

func _on_join_pressed():

First of all, in Godot 4.2, it has been changed from



get_tree().change_scene_to_file(path: String)

[Look here](SceneTree — Godot Engine (latest) documentation in English

Secondly, when you change a scene, the current scene is removed from the tree. Since scene A with the button is no longer running, you can’t receive a signal from it. [Read more here](https://Note: Operations happen in the following order when change_scene_to_packed is called: The current scene node is immediately removed from the tree. From that point, Node.get_tree called on the current (outgoing) scene will return null. current_scene will be null, too, because the new scene is not available yet.)

I think having a scene manager will work best for what you want to achieve. A scene manager is just an autoload script that is responsible for changing the scenes. Since it is always running, you can call any function in B_Scene after it is loaded.

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Thanks a lot man!
Btw how to get the scene manager?Is that from AssetLib?

No. It’s just a script set as autoload in your project settings. Check for autoload in the Godot docs.

Once you set the script as autoload, you can call it from anywhere.

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