How to Debug or View Logs When the Godot Editor Crashes"

Godot Version



Hello all
I experience the godot editor crash when i try to add GDExtention c++ component .
its very simple . but the maini issue i having is that i can’t find any log info about the crash .
none of the GDExtention projects here i can see only the GD script or c# project :
and not when i start godot with --verbose flag
Any other idea how to find the problem ?

this is the simple code of the extension :

#ifndef __FPSCONTROL__
#define __FPSCONTROL__

#include <godot_cpp/classes/control.hpp>
#include <godot_cpp/classes/label.hpp>
namespace tcpp {

	class FPSControl : public godot::Control {
		GDCLASS(FPSControl, godot::Control)

	public :
		FPSControl() {};
		virtual ~FPSControl() = default;;
		virtual void _ready() override;
		virtual void _process(double delta) override;
		static void _bind_methods() {};
		godot::Label *FPSLabel;



#include "fps_control.h"
#include <godot_cpp/classes/engine.hpp>

namespace tcpp {

	void FPSControl::_ready()
		FPSLabel = Object::cast_to<godot::Label>(get_node_or_null(godot::NodePath("Label")));

	void FPSControl::_process(double delta)
		std::string fps = "FPS: "+std::to_string(godot::Engine::get_singleton()->get_frames_per_second());

The component is registered properly, and I can see it in the Godot editor. By the way, the bug in the code occurs because when the component is loaded in the editor, it searches for the Label component and returns null if not found. However, my question is, where are the logs?