How to fix scene reloading repeatedly after loading scene

Godot Version



whenever i load a certain scene, it repeatedly reloads over and over, not allowing me press any buttons.
P.S. im not pausing the tree

Can you paste your script

extends Control

var scene = preload("res://Scenes/restart_menu.tscn")
var Money = 2
var Seeds_Payment = 4
var Seeds = 0
var SeedsPrice = 2

func _on_plant_seed_pressed() -> void:
	if  Map.Seeds >= 0:
		Map.Seeds -= 1
		Map.Money += Seeds_Payment

func _process(delta: float) -> void:
	if Map.Money <= -1:
		get_tree().paused = false

func _on_buy_seeds_pressed() -> void:
	Map.Money -= Map.SeedsPrice
	Map.Seeds += 1

func _ready() -> void:

func save():
	var save_dict = {
		"Money" : Money,
		"Seeds Payment" : Seeds_Payment,
		"Seeds" : SeedsPrice,
		"Seed Price" : SeedsPrice
	return save_dict

func save_game():
	var savegame = FileAccess.open_encrypted_with_pass("user://", FileAccess.WRITE, "1606")
	var json_string = JSON.stringify(save())

func load_data():
	if not FileAccess.file_exists("user://"):
	var savegame = FileAccess.open_encrypted_with_pass("user://", FileAccess.READ, "1606")
	while savegame.get_position() < savegame.get_length():
		var json_string = save_game().getline()
		var json =
		var parse_result = json.parse(json_string)
		var node_data = json.get_data()

func _on_save_pressed() -> void:

func _on_load_pressed() -> void:

this is the script that loads it

Seems like the autoload Map needs to reset it Money to more than 0 before this scene can start again.

Make sure to paste between three ticks

i have that in my script already, but it doesnt work

Could you paste the script that resets Map.Money? I notice you have a variable named Money, but it’s not the same and seems only used for saving the number 2? Do you believe Map.Money and Money are the same?

i used different one because it wouldnt work for some odd reason

but the variable is in the script

If this is the only script, is it in Globals project settings and also in the scene tree? That will make two seperate versions, where one is Map.Money and the other local version is Money where Map.Money is accessable anywhere and Money stays 2 forever.

Yes, does that affect it?

Yes it is bad to have two instances of this script in different contexts and expect them to work the same. You have a largely inaccessable version changing scenes, I am sure this is the root of your issue.

Ok, i will change it when i get home. Thanks for your help!