How to have an editor plugin with a main panel and multiple handled node types

Godot Version



I’m working on a plugin which will need to handle certain node types (like showing menus for those nodes with additional options). I’ll also need a new main panel. However the EditorPlugin api does not seem to work well for handling a main panel and mutliple custom node types in the same plugin, since _make_visible is needed for both and doesn’t allow discerning whether a custom menu should become visible or the main panel.

Is there any intended way to handle this?

I was thinking about adding additional EditorPlugins, but since enabling a plugin requires a cfg file, that would mean, that my one plugin would show multiple entries in the plugin settings which I’d like to prevent.

I don’t know

So turns out, Godot will hide nested plugins in the config dialogue. Using nested plugins and activating them through the main plugin is the right way to do this. See Document sub plugins by HolonProduction · Pull Request #9873 · godotengine/godot-docs · GitHub on how to do it.