I basically wanted to make a system where my player picks up Object A, walks over to Object B and drops it on A, then both disappear, and a new Object C is in their place. I managed to get the pick/drop system working, but for some reason idk how to actually make A and B disappear and make C appear. any help or tutorials would be great!
make to both of them an area2D node(give them other names, i will call them areaA and areaB) and make a childNode of the area and it is CollisionShape2D make a shape to the egg i guess. and go to the code of eggA:
first go to the the node of the area2D(not inspector) and go to the signal when area entered accept it again and the signal will be on your code and looks like this:
had to make some adjustments to the code after connecting the signal, but i basically just needed the signal and (area: Area2D) part. thank you for ur help <3