How to make direction (wasd) be based on by camera movement

Im using Godot 4.x

So i ran into a problem where the wasd keys where moving forward, left, right, and backward but they always move like that. Example: If i move turn left, w wont make my character (me) go left (forward). Can you help? Sense I ChatGPT wrote these scripts in a specific way, I don’t really know how to edit them to where it doesn’t break anything.


extends CharacterBody3D

@export var speed: float = 10.0  # Movement speed
@export var jump_power: float = 5.0  # Jump power
@export var gravity: float = 9.8  # Gravity strength
# Reference to the camera node (adjust the path as necessary)
@onready var camera = $Camera3D

func _physics_process(delta):
	var direction = Vector3()

	# Get input for movement
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_forward"):  # W key
		direction -= camera.transform.basis.z  # Use the camera's forward direction
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_backward"):  # S key
		direction += camera.transform.basis.z  # Use the camera's backward direction
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"):  # A key
		direction -= camera.transform.basis.x  # Use the camera's left direction
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"):  # D key
		direction += camera.transform.basis.x  # Use the camera's right direction
	# Normalize the direction vector and scale by speed
	direction = direction.normalized() * speed

	# Apply gravity when not on the floor
	if not is_on_floor():
		velocity.y -= gravity * delta
		# Jump logic when pressing the jump action and the character is on the floor
		if Input.is_action_just_pressed("Jump"):
			velocity.y = jump_power  # Apply the jump power

	# Apply horizontal movement
	velocity.x = direction.x
	velocity.z = direction.z
	# Move and slide with the adjusted velocity


extends Camera3D

@export var mouse_sensitivity: float = 0.2  # Mouse sensitivity
var pressed_esc: int = 0  # Tracks whether the ESC key toggled mouse lock/unlock

# Rotation variables for mouse look
var pitch: float = 0.0  # X-axis (vertical rotation)
var yaw: float = 0.0    # Y-axis (horizontal rotation)

func _ready():
	# Lock the mouse cursor to the screen initially

func _input(event):
	# Handle mouse lock/unlock with the UnlockMM action
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("UnlockMM"):
		if pressed_esc == 0:
			Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE)  # Unlock the mouse
			pressed_esc = 1
		elif pressed_esc == 1:
			Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED)  # Lock the mouse
			pressed_esc = 0

	# Handle mouse motion only when the mouse is locked
	if event is InputEventMouseMotion and Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED:
		# Get mouse delta and apply sensitivity
		var mouse_delta = event.relative * mouse_sensitivity

		# Adjust yaw (horizontal rotation)
		yaw -= mouse_delta.x
		rotation_degrees.y = yaw

		# Adjust pitch (vertical rotation), clamped to avoid flipping
		pitch = clamp(pitch - mouse_delta.y, -89, 89)
		rotation_degrees.x = pitch

Could you describe more about what you expect to happen vs what really happens? Maybe an image would help clarify the problem. Using the Camera’s basis should be relative to it’s rotation.

Sorry! Never mind i just deleted the camera movement; its a simple parkour game.