Godot Version
I’m making a flappy bird game in Godot and I’m trying to implement a score system. I want to change a “score” variable every time the player goes through a set of pipes, but since I am instantiating the pipe scene, every set of pipes has their own independent variable. Is there a way I can make them share and update one instead?
Here is the code for the pipes (relevant part is at the bottom
extends Node2D
@export var move_speed = 300
var game_over = false
var score = 0
func _ready():
# Connecting to the signal when a pillar spawns
var pillar_spawn = get_node("/root/Game/PillarSpawn")
func _physics_process(delta):
# Moving pillars to the left
global_position.x -= move_speed * delta
# Deleting pillars when exiting the screen
if global_position.x < -100:
print("Pillar deleted")
# Connecting to game_over signal in all killzones
func _on_pillar_spawn_timeout():
var kill_zone = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("KillZones")
for KillZone in kill_zone:
# Changes game_over variable to true
func _on_kill_zone_body_entered(body):
game_over = true
func _on_score_area_body_entered(body):
if game_over == false:
score += 1
And here is the code where i instantiate them
extends Node2D
signal pillar_spawned
func _ready():
Engine.time_scale = 1
func _on_pillar_spawn_timeout():
# Spawning pillars in the correct location
var new_pillars = preload("res://scenes/pillars.tscn").instantiate()
new_pillars.global_position.x = 1550 # Set x koordinate
new_pillars.global_position.y = randf_range(650, 350) # Randomize y coordinate
add_child(new_pillars) # Place the pillars
print("Pillar spawned")
#Speeding up game over time
func _on_speed_up_game_timeout():
Engine.time_scale += 0.01