How to make wheel complete stop?

Godot Version



I want to make wheel come to a complete stop

Node Tree:

├─ StaticBody2D
│  └─ CollisionShape2D # 45deg Angled Rectangle
└─ Wheel # RigidBody2D ``
   ├─ WheelCollision # CollisionShape2D with 20px r circle
   └─ Sprite2D # Wheel sprite matching collision shape

func _physics_process(delta):
    angular_velocity = 0

Even thogh I am setting angular velocity zero. The wheel is rotating. I get that after setting the angular velocity the physics engine make it move. So I want to make it complete stop like brake mechanism. Slipping is okay but not rolling.

If you need to directly change the state of a RigidBody2D, you need to use _integrate_forces() instead of _physics_process()