Godot 4.3stable
So, this is my current scene:
I also have a Player scene (separate), containing a Camera3D.
My problem is that i can’t access the camera from my Main script, and if I try to with @onready var camera_3d: Camera3D = $Camera3D, it just says that camera_3d is nil.
Can anyone help please?
Yes, I also tried that but the problem persisted.
To be honest I think the problem was somewhere else, since I then changed that and it started working fine.
Basically I was using a connect in the _ready() of another script, and after commenting it, somehow this script started working again.
Now my problem is that the signals connecting different scripts (also different scenes) don’t work :D.
Could you help me with that?
This is the script I was referring to (and the commented part). I don’t understand why it doesn’t work with my Main script:
extends Node
@onready var player: Node3D = $Player
@onready var camera_3d: Camera3D = $Player/Camera3D
@onready var sphere: Node3D = $Sphere
var sphere_scene = preload("res://sphere.tscn")
signal destroy_sphere
#Global Constants and Variables
const distance = 10.0
# Camera Foreward Vector
func _ready():
func _input(event):
if event is InputEventKey and event.keycode == KEY_ESCAPE:
if event.is_action_pressed("shoot") and camera_collision():
print("destroy_sphere emitted")
#arrives here but doesn't connect to actual function in sphere
func spawn_sphere():
#Add new_sphere to scene to manipulate it
var new_sphere = sphere_scene.instantiate()
var screen_size = get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size
#Generate causal point on screen
var random_screen_pos = Vector2(
randf() * screen_size.x,
randf() * screen_size.y
#Project camera vector through this casual point
var from = camera_3d.project_ray_origin(random_screen_pos)
var direction = camera_3d.project_ray_normal(random_screen_pos)
var to = from + direction * distance
new_sphere.global_transform.origin = to
#new_sphere.connect("sphere_destroyed", _on_sphere_destroyed)
func _on_sphere_destroyed():
camera_3d.rotation_degrees = Vector3.ZERO
camera_3d.rotation_x = 0.0
camera_3d.rotation_y = 0.0
func camera_collision():
var camera = get_viewport().get_camera_3d()
var viewport = get_viewport().get_size()
var ray_origin = camera.project_ray_origin(viewport/2)
var ray_end = ray_origin + camera.project_ray_normal((viewport/2)) * distance
var new_intersection = PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.create(ray_origin, ray_end)
var intersection = player.get_world_3d().direct_space_state.intersect_ray(new_intersection)
return not intersection.is_empty()
I also inserted the Sphere scene in my Main, like with Player.
Sorry to bother you after that quick of a response c: