New to Godot and I’m trying to learn how to use queue_free() correctly.
Inside the gameScene:
var new_scene = scene.instantiate()
new_scene.connect("removeNewScene, _remove_scene)
new_scene_margin_container.visible = true
Above is basically how I add the new scene (in this example a quick game explainer) to the tree.
Now the player can tap a button in new_scene which signals the function to remove the scene, so _remove_scene() would be:
When I run this code in the _remove_scene function I see the child count = 1 before I call “remove_child” and then = 0 after I call “remove_child”:
Okay, so success with removing the child (new_scene) from the tree. However, it is my understanding the scene, in this case “new_scene” still exists in memory. It has not be deleted, just removed from the tree. Now, I see how this is convenient in the case I need to call it again, but what if I’m done with the “new_scene?” How to remove it from memory?
I thought queue_free() was the solution, but when I call it:
I just get a crash. What would be the correct way to call queue_free() in this scenario - or is not even applicable? Thanks.