i’m trying to remove the node “wands” via remove_child whenever the game starts so that i can call it later and make it appear back but using remove child just doesn’t remove it, using queue free does remove it but i don’t think i can call it later if use that
remove_child removes a child of the node that you call it on, so you need to call it on the parent of the node you want to remove. You can use get_parent() to get the parent, so try something like:
hey, thanks for the help
i added the get parent part so that it’s now func
but the node is still here when i launch the project
E 0:00:01:0340 TestRemove.gd:6 @ _ready(): Parent node is busy adding/removing children, remove_child() can’t be called at this time. Consider using remove_child.call_deferred(child) instead.
So I tried the suggested solution
And that appears to work. What call_deferred does, as far as I understand it, is wait until there’s some idle time (in between frames and such), and call the function then.