How to use Augments correctly?

Godot Version


So i have this function in my Hud scene and I’m planning to change the display text. So i only need this one function and when is called it should contain a display_time and Update: Double_Jump or Sprint or XY:

but i dont know what i should add, to tell the function. Okay display and text should be “Double jump press space” or “Sprint Press XY”

i thought of something like
text.line = XY
text.line = YZ

But thats the right syntax to use a string in the () like this display time.

i think there must be a easy solution, but im a newbie to coding

func display_controlling_hint(display_time:float):"show_controlling_hint")
	await get_tree().create_timer(display_time).timeout
	await animation_player.animation_finished
	controlling_display_panel.visible = false
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I think i found a good solution by myself, but i case anybody founds this post later via google etc.

func display_conlling_hint(display_time:float, update:String):
	match update:
			controlling_label.text = "Press Shift to Sprint"
			controlling_label.text = "Press Q to attack"
			controlling_label.text = "Error, String not Found"
			#where the function get called, is a wrong string"show_controlling_hint")
	await get_tree().create_timer(display_time).timeout
	await animation_player.animation_finished
	controlling_display_panel.visible = false

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