Godot Version 4.4 dev 3
im using the default script for characterbody3d, i want the player to walk over small things like this plane without having to jump, for stairs i just add a ramp collision, but for this idk what to do.
Godot Version 4.4 dev 3
im using the default script for characterbody3d, i want the player to walk over small things like this plane without having to jump, for stairs i just add a ramp collision, but for this idk what to do.
I’m pretty sure there is a setting in the capsule for step or something like that.
the godot’s charactercontroller doesn’t have stair support.
you have to add a ramp.
or code a raycast that detects the slope and jumps the character up, but this is finicky and prone to bugs.
could u pls elaborate on this having similar issue
It’s not there anymore. There is a stair implementation here: