How to zoom camera to mouse

Godot Version



Hi, in drawing software you can zoom the camera to the mouse. This means that if you have your mouse on a certain pixel, after zooming, the mouse will still be on that pixel. How do I implement this in Godot? I tried using the solution in Camera2D zoom position towards the mouse but it didn’t work. It seems to zoom into the bottom right corner (which is 0,0).

func set_zoom(delta: Vector2) -> void:
	$Camera2D.zoom += delta
	$Camera2D.global_position += (-0.5 * SCREEN_SIZE + get_global_mouse_position()) * -delta
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That’s weird, it was weirdly easy. I have no clue what the other thread’s solution is for.

func set_zoom(delta: Vector2) -> void:
	var mouse_pos := get_global_mouse_position()
	$Camera2D.zoom += delta
	var new_mouse_pos := get_global_mouse_position()
	$Camera2D.position += mouse_pos - new_mouse_pos
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