HSplitContainer: Best Method For Consistent Left Size?

Godot Version



Is there a decent way to get the left side of an HSplitContainer to stay where I left it, through window resize events? The SplitOffset value in the class is relative to the overall control size, and my code to manually maintain the left width results in “imprecise bouncing” behaviour that’s not great.

Any ideas would be appreciated!

using Godot;

public partial class MyHSplitContainer : HSplitContainer
    [Export] public bool  FixLeftSize { get; set; } = true;
    [Export] public float LeftSize    { get; set; } = 200.0f;

    private float _recordedLeftWidth = 200f;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // MARK: Node functions
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
    public override void _Ready()
        this.Connect(Control.SignalName.Resized,        new Callable(this, nameof(OnResized)));
        this.Connect(SplitContainer.SignalName.Dragged, new Callable(this, nameof(OnDragged)));

    public override void _Process(double delta)
        // Per-frame logic if needed

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // MARK: User Interaction
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private void OnResized()
        // Ensure sizing logic is enforced immediately after layout updates

    private void OnDragged(int offset)
        // Record the new size immediately after dragging

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // MARK: Resize functions
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private void RecordLeftSize()
        // If the container has at least two children, print their sizes
        if (this.GetChildCount() >= 2)
            Control leftChild  = this.GetChild<Control>(0);
            //Control rightChild = this.GetChild<Control>(1);

            _recordedLeftWidth  = leftChild.Size.X;

    private void EnforceSizingLogic()
        if (FixLeftSize)
            // If the container has at least two children, print their sizes
            if (this.GetChildCount() >= 2)
                Control leftChild  = this.GetChild<Control>(0);
                Control rightChild = this.GetChild<Control>(1);

                // Get the overall width of the HSplitContainer
                float newLeftWidth  = leftChild.Size.X;
                float newRightWidth = rightChild.Size.X;
                float newTotalWidth = newLeftWidth + newRightWidth;

                // Determine the new split offset to re-establish the split offset
                float newSplitOffset = _recordedLeftWidth - (newTotalWidth / 2f);

                this.SplitOffset = (int)newSplitOffset;

                GD.Print($"Enforcing Left Child Width: {(int)newSplitOffset}");

Maybe use MarginContainer — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English