Godot 4
I’m making a 2d platformer that goes to multiple different planets I want the gravity of my player to change based on what planet you are on and I was wondering how I would achieve this. (all the planets are different scenes)`
You could have a variable in your player called gravity,
On your map scene script you could have another variable called world_gravity, set it to what you want the gravity to be, and then, when the map instantiated the player, you could do :
player.gravity = world_gravity
you might need to flip the two lines of code, but this should work.
Another thing you could do is have an autoload script that holds map data,
var selected_map : String
var map_gravity : #float or int
func set_gravity():
match selected_map:
map_gravity = #set the gravity
map_gravity = #set the gravity
map_gravity = #set the gravity
return map_gravity
Then in the player’s ready function you could do:
func _ready():
gravity = MapData.set_gravity()
Something like this should work
Lemme just add, you’ll just have to add this line of code wherever you set your map:
MapData.selected_map = "#map name here"
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Thank you for the help this would of taken me hours to figure out
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