Godot Version
Godot 4
im following this “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCI650TDhHA&list=PLpwc3ughKbZfkSPko3azFD4dd4IHSiQeE&pp=iAQB” tutorial which is for a older version of godot but theres help in the comments to translate some of the code into godot 4. but while i understand what the error says i dont understand what it actually means or why theres a issue.
This is the error im getting
“Invalid type in function ‘create_response’ in base ‘Control (game.gd)’. Cannot convert argument 1 from Nil to String.”
func _ready() -> void:
scrollbar.connect("changed", handle_scrollbar_changed)
max_scroll_lenght = scrollbar.max_value
create_response("Welcome to the Hub! Type 'Help' for a list of commands")
var starting_zones_response = command_processor.initialize(zones_manager.get_child(0))
if anyone needs more code to see please ask im going insane.