In-app purchase plugin for iOS not working in Godot 4.2.2. No reaction

Godot Version



I added an in-app purchase plugin for iOS to my game. When I send the game to Testflight and open it, the payment screen does not appear, that is, it does not work. There is no reaction.

I did the following steps:

I created the ios inappstore plugin files for Godot 4.2.2 by following the steps mentioned in the link above.

I pasted the created xcframework folders with the inappstore.gdip file to the ios/plugins path in my project.

The codes are as follows:

extends Node

var in_app_store
signal bought_product(product_id: String)
var my_product_id = "bundle_seven"

func _ready():
	if Engine.has_singleton("InAppStore"):
		in_app_store = Engine.get_singleton("InAppStore")
		print("iOS IAP plugin is not available on this platform.")

func _on_button_pressed():
	if OS.get_name() == "iOS":
		await get_tree().create_timer(1.0).timeout

func on_purchase_pressed(product_id: String):
	var result = in_app_store.purchase({ "product_id": product_id })
	if result == OK:
		print("busy ...")"busy") # show the "waiting for response" animation

# put this on a 1 second timer or something
func check_events():
	while in_app_store.get_pending_event_count() > 0:
		var event = in_app_store.pop_pending_event()
		if event.type == "purchase":
			if event.result == "ok":
				emit_signal("bought_product", event.product_id)
				print(event.product_id + " purchase successful!")
				print(event.product_id + " purchase failed.")

I got export for iOS from Godot 4.2.2. Export settings are as follows :

I opened the export project from Xcode, the frameworks settings were as follows :

I added the product id in Apple Developer and it was approved :

But the payment screen does not appear, what did I do wrong or missing?

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Iā€™m about to start trying to implement these plugins soon and was wondering if you got it to work (in-app purchase)? And do you know if the other plugins work (i.e. game center and icloud)?


were you able to get it working by any chance? We are struggling like crazy