both nodes won’t be ready at the same time if they are siblings. Generally a bad idea to use get_parent() in conjunction with @onready. You might have a better time with @export and/or not using such nodes on _ready
looked it up but how would this help me? elif entity == "player": if Main.player.atk != 1: print(Main.enemy.hp) Main.enemy.hp -= (Main.player.atk / 2) Main.textudt("Nate used slap and did "+str(Main.player.atk / 2)+" damage!") print("plr dmg") print(Main.enemy.hp) Main.refreshbars() else: Main.enemy.hp -= 1 Main.textudt("Nate used slap and did 1 damage!") Main.refreshbars() this is a move where the Main class is the main script that all the other ones like the moves script get tied together
I do not understand what this has to do with the original script. Make sure to paste large scripts in a block, on a new line between three ticks like so.