Godot 4.2.1
I’m trying to make a volume settings menu, but the sliders aren’t working. The game gives me these errors:
E 0:00:00:0675 audio_slider_settings.gd:22 @ setSliderValue(): Index p_bus = -1 is out of bounds (buses.size() = 3).
<C++ Source> servers/audio_server.cpp:924 @ get_bus_volume_db()
<Stack Trace> audio_slider_settings.gd:22 @ setSliderValue()
audio_slider_settings.gd:13 @ _ready()
E 0:00:00:0675 audio_slider_settings.gd:26 @ onValueChanged(): Index p_bus = -1 is out of bounds (buses.size() = 3).
<C++ Source> servers/audio_server.cpp:916 @ set_bus_volume_db()
<Stack Trace> audio_slider_settings.gd:26 @ onValueChanged()
audio_slider_settings.gd:22 @ setSliderValue()
audio_slider_settings.gd:13 @ _ready()
Here is my code:
extends Control
@onready var h_slider = $HBoxContainer/HSlider
@onready var label = $HBoxContainer/Label
@export_enum("Master", "Music", "Sfx") var busName: String
var busIndex: int = 0
func _ready():
func setAudioNumText():
label.text = str(h_slider.value * 100)
func getBusNameByIndex():
busIndex = AudioServer.get_bus_index(busName)
func setSliderValue():
h_slider.value = db_to_linear(AudioServer.get_bus_volume_db(busIndex))
func onValueChanged(value: float):
AudioServer.set_bus_volume_db(busIndex, linear_to_db(value))
I’m sorry I’m not able to give a more detailed description of my problem, but I didn’t find anyone with a similar problem and I have no clue where to even start solving this issue. I re-watched the tutorial I was watching several times but couldn’t figure out what I did wrong.
Thanks to anyone who can help me figure this out.