Godot Version
Invalid access to property or key ‘new_sse_event’ on a base object of type ‘Node’
I am using FirebaseGodot to create a chat app. In Firebase, I am utilizing Firestore Database, Storage, and Realtime Database. However, when I connect the Realtime Database, the app works well when running the project in Godot. But after making build, it shows the following error in debug console:
“Invalid access to property or key ‘new_sse_event’ on a base object of type ‘Node’.”
my realtime database connect code :-
chat_db_ref = await Firebase.Database.get_database_reference(“chat_rooms/”+ChatGlobal.chatRoomData._id+“/messages”,{})
chat_db_ref.connect(“new_data_update”,Callable(self, “_on_db_data_update”))