Godot Version
Hi, I’m still a newbie dev so maybe this question is a bit silly. I’m currently trying to implement the ghost trail when dashing.
when I deleted the func _on_ghost_timer_timeout(), everything is fine. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Any suggestion or help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for reading this.
Here is my full code:
extends Node2D
const dash_delay = 0.4
@onready var duration_timer = $DurationTimer
@onready var ghost_timer = $GhostTimer
var can_dash = true
var sprite
var ghost_scene = preload("res://scene/DashGhost.tscn")
func start_dash(sprite, duration):
self.sprite = sprite
duration_timer.wait_time = duration
func is_dashing():
return !duration_timer.is_stopped()
func add_ghost():
var ghost = ghost_scene.instantiate()
var texture = sprite.sprite_frames.get_frame_texture(sprite.animation, sprite.frame)
ghost.texture = texture
ghost.global_position = global_position
ghost.flip_h = sprite.flip_h
func end_dash():
can_dash = false
await get_tree().create_timer(dash_delay).timeout
can_dash = true
func _on_duration_timer_timeout():
func _on_ghost_timer_timeout():
You never assign sprite
, you never call start_dash
, or you don’t ensure you’ve called it when add_ghost
is called
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this line, the error at, the first parameter of get_frame_texture is stringname of the animation you wanted to get from the Sprite Frames, so it shouldnt be sprite.animation
, but instead something like "dash"
I don’t think that is the solution to it. Appreciated nonetheless
The error is now Invalid get index ‘frame’ (on base: 'Nil")
You need to make sure start_dash
is called before add_ghost
, or sprite
will be empty
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yea forgot to say you need to specify which index in the animation you wanted to get, not the .frame
so something like
var texture = sprite.sprite_frames.get_frame_texture("dash", 0)
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That won’t fix it, the sprite
needs to be assigned, it’s used below too, and in the same call, so it’s not correct
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can you give me a example of how to do it?
I don’t know your project, you should not start the ghost timer until you’ve started the dash I think, that would be the simplest solution
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You are correct. The sprite is not assigned continuously. It work some time and break sometime. Maybe it is because of the delay?
Without seeing the rest of your code I have no idea, because start_dash
is never called in the sample you showed
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Here is the script of the player. You can see when the start_dash is called in func player_movement_animate
extends CharacterBody2D
const max_speed = 100
const accel = 1000
const dashAccel = 1200
const friction = 600
const dash_speed = 1000 * 5
const dash_duration = 0.2
var player_stat
@onready var Dash = $Dash
@onready var sprite = $AnimatedSprite2D
func _physics_process(delta):
func player_movement_and_animate(delta):
var input = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down")
input = input.normalized()
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("dash") && Dash.can_dash && !Dash.is_dashing():
Dash.start_dash(sprite, dash_duration)
var speed = dashAccel if Dash.is_dashing() else accel
if input.x == 0 and input.y == 0:
if velocity.length() > (friction * delta):
velocity -= velocity.normalized() * (friction * delta)
velocity = Vector2.ZERO
$AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false
if player_stat == "front":
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Idle front")
elif player_stat == "back":
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Idle back")
elif player_stat == "side":
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Idle side")
elif player_stat == "side_f":
$AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Idle side")
$AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false
velocity += (input * speed * delta)
velocity = velocity.limit_length(500)
if Dash.is_dashing():
if player_stat == "front":
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Dash front")
elif player_stat == "back":
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Dash back")
elif player_stat == "side":
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Dash Side")
elif player_stat == "side_f":
$AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Dash Side")
if !Dash.is_dashing():
velocity = velocity.limit_length(max_speed)
if input.y == -1:
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Move back")
player_stat = "back"
if input.y == 1:
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Move front")
player_stat = "front"
if input.x == -1:
$AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Move side")
player_stat = "side_f"
if input.x == 1:
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Move side")
player_stat = "side"
if input.x > 0.5 and input.y < -0.5:
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Move back")
player_stat = "back"
if input.x > 0.5 and input.y > 0.5:
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Move front")
player_stat = "front"
if input.x < -0.5 and input.y < -0.5:
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Move back")
player_stat = "back"
if input.x < -0.5 and input.y > 0.5:
$AnimatedSprite2D.play("Move front")
player_stat = "front"
I have managed to correct my mistake by add an if statement and adding the var script as an input into this func:
func add_ghost(sprite):
if sprite:
var ghost = ghost_scene.instantiate()
var texture = sprite.sprite_frames.get_frame_texture(sprite.animation, sprite.frame)
ghost.texture = texture
ghost.global_position = sprite.global_position
ghost.flip_h = sprite.flip_h
thanks you all for helping me
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June 12, 2024, 8:36am
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