Is it possible to reload multiple separated scenes at once?

I am new to godot and i heve been trying to make a game based on cave exploration, where the player has 24 minutes to try and discover the maximum amount of stuff that he can before the time runs out reseting the time loop.

each cave is a separated scene, making a total of 9, is it possible to reload every single one of them when the time runs out? or should i just make it a single gigantic scene?

Can you elaborate the benefits of 9 separate scenes? Are they randomly placed? How are you reloading scenes? It might be better to bundle them into one scene and reload that.

Try using get_tree().reload_current_scene(), this function will reload everything, which may not be excatly what you need.

well i thought that the game might get laggy if there is too many things together since i’m not accostumed to use godot, but other than that i don’t think there is a specific reason for it to be separated, guess i’ll just put them together and see what happens then, thanks