Is OS.create_process() open_console argument implemented on Linux?

Godot Version



Is OS.create_process() open_console argument implemented on Linux?

if OS.get_name() == "Linux":
     var pid = OS.create_process("python3", [Global.SERVER_PATH, "server"], true)

I tried on Windows and the console is showing up as the documentation says, on Linux it just create a process that automatically closes when I quit the game. Is there a way to show the console on Linux?

No, it’s not implemented godot/drivers/unix/os_unix.cpp at da5f39889f155658cef7f7ec3cc1abb94e17d815 · godotengine/godot · GitHub

AFAIK, there’s no standardized terminal on Linux so I doubt it will be implemented.

You could check this PR that implements it in the editor with a hard-coded list of possible terminal applications: Add a editor FileSystem dock action to open a terminal in selected folder by Calinou · Pull Request #85923 · godotengine/godot · GitHub

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