is the speed of C# and GDScript equal?

do I need to learn c# or do with GDscript?

You can do with GDScript, C# is often faster, but most optimizations problems will hurt both languages equally and have more to do with misusing systems like navigation and physics.


it’s irrelevant, we are in 2025.
we don’t calculate how much memory we need because we have more than we will ever use, and in the case of code, the only thing that can cause performance issues would be algorithms.
One thing to notice is that GDscript has a limit (I think it’s 100) to recursion, so that will keep you from doing something bad, C# doesn’t have that limit.

In my case I’ve done AStar implementations in GDscript and point based AI. the latter gave me some issues but I solved it by using await to split the code execution over multiple frames, then the enemy just stood there calculating while the game continued to run smooth. If I had to code this again I would probably use a different approach.

You can write good code or bad code in either language, and at that point the 10% performance increase from using C# would not be meaningless.
So use what you are more comfortable with.
If you are already an actual C# dev (and not someone who just used it with unity), use C#. Otherwise use GDscript as you will be less likely to make mistakes.