Is there a way to reset a RemoteTransform3D node? As in removing the path attached to it?

Godot Version



Working on a bug I have been trying to fix for ages now, and kinda figure it out. I am using a remote transform node to carry an object along a path, and need to remove the object path from the remote transform in order to fix it.

I have tried two different things:

  1. Setting the remote transform node to null, which doesn’t actually do anything
  2. Replace the path with an empty string. I have kinda don’t this by replacing it with a period “.”, which does work, but I think if I could just completely reset the remote transform that would get me the best results.

Any idea on how to do this?

Try calling force_update_cache().

When you set the remote path, and the remote transform is in the tree, it will update its cache automatically.

It clears its cache then checks the remote path is valid in a number of ways.

I feel like your first problem is strange but maybe its using null is the issue. You can also try an empty nodepath string ^""

Using "." acts the same as an empty nodepath would because the remote path would fail a this check.