As you can see, my selected ground tile, which consists of multiple tiles in the selector, does not correctly appear in the game window. It comes through as distorted. I do believe I have Y sorting enabled.
I’m pretty new to this, but I think I imported the tileset and set the alpha correctly.
I see what you’re saying. The game is getting visibly complicated. I just get the stairs effect on my tiles. It shouldn’t be like that. The floor should be all flat.
Here we go. I found it. Looks like we’re both halfway right. The texture rectangle should be 32x32. The tile shape is isometric. Tile size in the inspector is infact 32 x; 16y.
After that you just need to create new tilesets. I used the same. But, I can move my layers higher with increasing the z index. That’s considered the air in 2D and 2D isometric games. The y indexes are up and down, x indexes are left and right. Use z for air only. Five second map.
You are right. There is an option for the y sorting. But, it triggers the edges of the current layer. It can look like a height. But, it’s not.