Godot Version
I am trying to create a BuildingManager global autoload which will handle everything concerning the building of things in my game. Now I don’t know whether the issue is that this is an autoload or something else but the script below works in detecting but it detects the wrong thing and I don’t have a clue why.
func SpawnObject(obj):
if current_spawnable != null: # we check if we already have an object spawned
current_spawnable.queue_free() # destroy it so we don't have multiple objects above each other
current_spawnable = obj.instantiate()
#get_tree().root.add_child(current_spawnable) # add it to the tree ( we can change it to a node holder )
var tower_body_area = current_spawnable.get_node("TowerBodyArea") as Area2D
tower_body_area.connect("body_entered", Callable(self, "_on_Tower_Body_Entered"))
tower_body_area.connect("body_exited", Callable(self, "_on_Tower_Body_Exited"))
GameManager.game_state = GameManager.GameState.BUILDING
func ClearSpawnObject():
current_spawnable = null
GameManager.game_state = GameManager.GameState.IN_GAME
# ==================================================================================================
# Collision Check
# ==================================================================================================
func _on_Tower_Body_Entered(body):
ableToBuild = false
func _on_Tower_Body_Exited(body):
ableToBuild = true
It detects instead of my towers that I have here
var tower_body_area = current_spawnable.get_node("TowerBodyArea") as Area2D
it somehow detects the Enemies that are spawned which I checked the signals and there werent any with the name. Plus I have it added above so it should get the node that is the TowerBodyArea. The enemy just has a HurtBoxComponent.
and in the tower script I have this bit of code to detect the Enemies but I don’t think that this would be the issue?
func _on_range_body_entered(body) -> void:
if body.is_in_group("Enemy"):
enemies.append(body.get_parent()) # body is the Beetle / Parent is the pathfollow 2d
func _on_range_body_exited(body) -> void:
if body.is_in_group("Enemy"):
enemies.erase(body.get_parent()) # body is the Beetle / Parent is the pathfollow 2d
Any ideas are welcome on which could be the issue since I have been looking for a solution for a couple of hours now and will still search for that as well.