Godot Version
So in my game I want to be able to save aspects from multiple scenes such as which items have been picked up and which doors have been unlocked and have those persist every time I go to a new scene and come back however I realize that every time I enter a new scene and save and come back to a previous scene and load save file, the save file has been overwritten by the new save with that scenes aspects so Im only saving the one scene that I have saved which works great for when I actually want to save the game but not for what I want to do.
Im new to JSON and creating my own save systems so Im using Godots save system tutorial for most of this but is there I way I can add new information to my JSON file without overwriting it?
Here is the relevant code:
Saving the State of the Scene
func SaveStateObjects():
var file = FileAccess.open(saveStateFile, FileAccess.WRITE)
#SAVE OBJECTS---------------------
var saveNodes = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("StateObjects")
for nodes in saveNodes:
if nodes.scene_file_path.is_empty():
print("Node '%s' is not instantiated and will be skipped" % nodes.name)
if !nodes.has_method("Save"):
print("Node '%s' doesnt have a save function and will be skipped" % nodes.name)
var nodeData = nodes.call("Save")
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(nodeData)
Loading the State of the Scene
func LoadStateObjects():
await get_tree().create_timer(0.001).timeout
if not FileAccess.file_exists(saveStateFile): #if the file doesnt exist
var file = FileAccess.open(saveStateFile,FileAccess.READ)
#var savedata = file.get_var()
#LOAD OBJECTS-------------------------------------------------------
var saveNodes = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("StateObjects")
if saveNodes.size() >= 1:
for nodes in saveNodes:
#print(nodes.name + " theres a node")
print("objects deleted")
#await nodes.tree_exited
while file.get_position() < file.get_length():
var json_string = file.get_line()
var json = JSON.new()
var parse_result = json.parse(json_string)
if not parse_result == OK:
print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line())
var nodeData = json.data
var new_object = load(nodeData["filename"]).instantiate()
new_object.position = Vector2(nodeData["posX"], nodeData["posY"])
var itemPicture = load(nodeData["ItemPicture"])
if itemPicture:
new_object.get_node("Sprite2D").texture = itemPicture
push_warning("load picture not loading: " + nodeData["ItemPicture"])
for i in nodeData.keys():
if i == "filename" or i == "parent" or i == "pos_x" or i == "pos_y" or i == "ItemPicture":
if i in new_object:
new_object.set(i, nodeData[i])
push_warning("Couldn't set member %s in node %s." % [i, nodeData["filename"]])