Laggy slow animation

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]


In my game menu, I want to have a sprite that moves a little bit (up and down, using sin).
My sprite is a Sprite2D.
Here’s my code:

extends Sprite2D

var speed = 2 # ( starts to be laggy when it is <5 )
var distance = 10 # the maximum distance the sprite will cover
var time = 0.0 # the time that will increase to get the y by sin()

func _process(delta: float) -> void:
	time += delta * speed # increase the time
	var y_offset = sin(time) * distance # get the new y of the sprite
	self.position.y = y_offset # the the new y

But I don’t know why, when the speed ( speed ) is low ( <5 ) it feels really laggy. Here’s a video: Watch video | Streamable
If someone know why, please tell me.

Nevermind I found the solution. I just put “Stretching mode” to “canvas_item” and not “viewport”

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