June 27, 2024, 11:24am
Hello, new to godot and I’m trying to make the camera lerp smoother but it’s giving me unintended results
This is what it looks like without me lerping it at all and directly setting it
cam.rotation = Vector3(deg_to_rad(rotation[0]), deg_to_rad(rotation[1]), deg_to_rad(rotation[2]))
What it looks like when I try to lerp
cam.rotation = cam.rotation.lerp(Vector3(deg_to_rad(rotation[0]), deg_to_rad(rotation[1]), deg_to_rad(rotation[2])), delta * self.SPEED)
June 27, 2024, 11:29am
Alright could you help me set that up the rotation in Godot is weird, also could you maybe expain why it’s doing that in the first place?
Like it works on the docs
Lerp isn’t as useful for angles, that isn’t for angles but for a position in the example
You could try slerp
instead, but better to use a quaternion, check the documentation, you’d probably use Euler angle constrictor for it
June 27, 2024, 12:44pm
Finally, figured it out and it was easier and I should’ve known this would work so basically you have like construct a new rotation and then use lerp_angle
for each axis and it works PERFECTLY! No need for Quaternions whatever the hell those are
var targetRotation = Vector3(deg_to_rad(rotation[0]), deg_to_rad(rotation[1]), deg_to_rad(rotation[2]))
var lerpedRotation = Vector3(
lerp_angle(cam.rotation.x, targetRotation.x, delta * SPEED),
lerp_angle(cam.rotation.y, targetRotation.y, delta * SPEED),
lerp_angle(cam.rotation.z, targetRotation.z, delta * SPEED)
cam.rotation = lerpedRotation
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July 27, 2024, 12:44pm
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