Linking/Connecting/Sharing Values

Godot Version



I’m not sure if this is possible, but is it possible for values of a node to be linked in a way?
(for context 'm on the newbie side)

For example let’s say I have two Node2Ds, and I want both of them to have the same scale, that way if I set one’s scale to 2, the other will reflect that as well.

Weather that’s possible or not, is it possible to have a parent node pass it’s certain values down to it’s children live?
In my example I have two ColorRect nodes beneath a Node2D, currently I have something like this:

@onready var terrain: ColorRect = $Terrain

@export var timeSpeed = 0.5

func _ready():
	terrain.material.set_shader_parameter("time_speed", timeSpeed)

And though this works when run, it doesn’t show visual changes in the editor.(I’m doing a lot of shader work so I need to constantly check visual changes)

What you can do is add both nodes to the same group and use get_tree().call_group() to set both nodes at the same time, example:

# Let's suppose you have the node_1 and node_2, 
# both with this script attached.

func _ready() -> void:

func set_shader_param(p_value) -> void:
	material.set_shader_parameter("param", p_value)
# In any place you want to adjust both nodes at the same time
func call_both_nodes() -> void:
	# Set both node scale to 2
	get_tree().call_group("my_group", "set", "scale", Vector2(2, 2))

	# Call set_shader_param on both nodes
	get_tree().call_group("my_group", "set_shader_param", 10)
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Seems like you could use a @tool script actually