Godot Version
Godot 4.3 (Stable)
TLDR at the bottom
Hey! I’ve been using Godot for a while, and I have wanted to share my games in a way anyone can play, without having to send files to them. The web export is the perfect thing, although when I joined, I struggled to put my game anywhere because of the whole Shared Buffer Array
thing. I was really excited for 4.3, as I heard single thread web exports are back.
I made my game and went to export it to the web. When I double-clicked the index.html file, it opened, but failed to fetch. I researched online and found I needed to host a local server to serve it to my self (found this, and I also used the Godot built-in remote debug feature). So I set it up and ran it. It worked great, except for one thing.
I would run my game, the main menu would show up. I would click start, and the first level would load, but none of the assets loaded by that scene would load. I think this is because to load the scenes, I use preload and store them in a dictionary, as I don’t have that many scenes, but to load the level and assets I use load() function to loop through a list of the assets. The load()
function, FileAccess
, ResourceLoader.load()
, and DirAccess
all don’t work, although preload()
does. I could use preload to work around this, but ideally I wouldn’t need to. This is either a Github level bug, or just me being bad at exports.
I get a few errors, shown here:
E 0:00:00:0188 get_process_id: OS::get_process_id() is not available on the Web platform.
<C++ Error> Method/function failed. Returning: 0
<C++ Source> platform/web/os_web.cpp:128 @ get_process_id()
Custom error for when the FileAccess comes back null:
E 0:00:02:0715 main.gd:43 @ loadLevel(): Error Loading Level 1
<C++ Source> core/variant/variant_utility.cpp:1092 @ push_error()
<Stack Trace> main.gd:43 @ loadLevel()
main.gd:28 @ startFromSave()
The code for the error above:
func loadLevel(level: int, unload: Array ) -> void:
currentLevel = level
loadScene(unload, ["game"])#unload the 'unload' and load in a new game
var file = FileAccess.open("res://Levels/" + str(level) + ".txt", FileAccess.READ) #Get the level file
if file:
var Loadedlevel = file.get_as_text(true)#get the file as text
get_node("Game/Grid").loadLevel(evaluateString(Loadedlevel))#Convert String to Dictionary and load it into the new game scene
push_error("Error Loading Level " + str(level))#no level to load/error opening it
A moment ago, I added a little bit of script (
+ ". Error: " + str(FileAccess.get_open_error()
) to get the error from the loading, and it throws Error: 7
, which I think is ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
On the web platform, using Chrome developer tools (saved as a log file, converted to a text file, and pasted here):
index.js:459 Godot Engine v4.3.stable.official.77dcf97d8 - https://godotengine.org
index.js:459 OpenGL API OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium)) - Compatibility - Using Device: WebKit - WebKit WebGL
index.js:474 USER ERROR: Error Loading Level 1
onPrintError @ index.js:474
put_char @ index.js:9
write @ index.js:9
write @ index.js:9
doWritev @ index.js:9
_fd_write @ index.js:9
$func24155 @ 0a418b96:0x19ad861
$func9000 @ 0a418b96:0x73a546
$func6058 @ 0a418b96:0x49086c
$func32189 @ 0a418b96:0x1b3d7bb
$func8512 @ 0a418b96:0x6b6b4d
$func32194 @ 0a418b96:0x1b3ddab
$func32187 @ 0a418b96:0x1b3d6a9
$func339 @ 0a418b96:0x411ef
$func391 @ 0a418b96:0x49264
$func9308 @ 0a418b96:0x761d0f
$func25952 @ 0a418b96:0x1a2acf1
$func4908 @ 0a418b96:0x3a6a23
$func1600 @ 0a418b96:0x16220d
$func46119 @ 0a418b96:0x21b67c4
$func7607 @ 0a418b96:0x5ced0a
$func4909 @ 0a418b96:0x3a6b1c
$func1600 @ 0a418b96:0x157f45
$func46119 @ 0a418b96:0x21b67c4
$func7607 @ 0a418b96:0x5ced0a
$func863 @ 0a418b96:0x9a0b8
$func19980 @ 0a418b96:0x108bf71
$func57811 @ 0a418b96:0x23de4ec
$func19742 @ 0a418b96:0x106feaa
$func57249 @ 0a418b96:0x23bc839
$func6392 @ 0a418b96:0x4be22f
$func4358 @ 0a418b96:0x32c1be
$func5262 @ 0a418b96:0x3fa3ce
$func19860 @ 0a418b96:0x107c46e
$func4356 @ 0a418b96:0x32be8b
$func863 @ 0a418b96:0x9a020
$func18567 @ 0a418b96:0xfdf5cd
$func50564 @ 0a418b96:0x22c0848
$func6399 @ 0a418b96:0x4bfbc0
$func2770 @ 0a418b96:0x240343
$func56822 @ 0a418b96:0x23b1db1
button_cb @ index.js:9
index.js:474 at: push_error (core/variant/variant_utility.cpp:1092)
onPrintError @ index.js:474
put_char @ index.js:9
write @ index.js:9
write @ index.js:9
doWritev @ index.js:9
_fd_write @ index.js:9
$func24155 @ 0a418b96:0x19ad861
$func9000 @ 0a418b96:0x73a546
$func6058 @ 0a418b96:0x49086c
$func32189 @ 0a418b96:0x1b3d7bb
$func8512 @ 0a418b96:0x6b6b4d
$func32194 @ 0a418b96:0x1b3ddcc
$func32187 @ 0a418b96:0x1b3d6a9
$func339 @ 0a418b96:0x411ef
$func391 @ 0a418b96:0x49264
$func9308 @ 0a418b96:0x761d0f
$func25952 @ 0a418b96:0x1a2acf1
$func4908 @ 0a418b96:0x3a6a23
$func1600 @ 0a418b96:0x16220d
$func46119 @ 0a418b96:0x21b67c4
$func7607 @ 0a418b96:0x5ced0a
$func4909 @ 0a418b96:0x3a6b1c
$func1600 @ 0a418b96:0x157f45
$func46119 @ 0a418b96:0x21b67c4
$func7607 @ 0a418b96:0x5ced0a
$func863 @ 0a418b96:0x9a0b8
$func19980 @ 0a418b96:0x108bf71
$func57811 @ 0a418b96:0x23de4ec
$func19742 @ 0a418b96:0x106feaa
$func57249 @ 0a418b96:0x23bc839
$func6392 @ 0a418b96:0x4be22f
$func4358 @ 0a418b96:0x32c1be
$func5262 @ 0a418b96:0x3fa3ce
$func19860 @ 0a418b96:0x107c46e
$func4356 @ 0a418b96:0x32be8b
$func863 @ 0a418b96:0x9a020
$func18567 @ 0a418b96:0xfdf5cd
$func50564 @ 0a418b96:0x22c0848
$func6399 @ 0a418b96:0x4bfbc0
$func2770 @ 0a418b96:0x240343
$func56822 @ 0a418b96:0x23b1db1
button_cb @ index.js:9
TLDR; When exporting to the web using either Godot’s built-in remote debug feature or a python localhost server, almost all functions used for loading files don’t work, except for preload().
I have looked at almost every page relating to this topic on the front page of Google looking for an answer. If anyone has any ideas, or you need something else, let me know.