<Why are some actions have a low FPS rate (1 FPS) ?>
Hello, i’m new to godot, and i’m searching an awnser. With 'basic movements 3D, my jump action run at 60FPS.
However, my walk actions (up, down, left,rgiht) walk from 1 to 3 FPS.
here is my nodes, and also, _^hysics_process takes 99.9% on the debug section. I hope someone knows the awnser.
There’s no telling what the issue if you don’t provide all the relevant information. Your image is showing a script attached to your CharacterBody3D. That script is highly relevant.
Also, please show some respect for your fellow forum user. There’s nothing worse than seeing a topic/post riddled with spelling mistakes and formatting issues.
Are any of your collision shapes very complex? It sounds strange that such a simple scene, using what looks like the default CharacterBody3D script, should have these performance problems…