4.3 Godot Version
Hey there,
I want enemies in my game to always follow the player and attack him. My hierarchy is
CharacterBody2D for the enemy
- collisionshape2d
- animatedsprite2d
- Attackarea (area2d)
– collisionshape2d
What im trying to do is enemy always run to player. When player enters attackarea they play the attack animation and then deals damage to player. After a quick delay the enemy attacks again.
Whatever i try, the enemy wont enter the player area by itself.
If the player moves into the enemy area, the animation plays but damage is never done.
Can you point me out where the issue is? Im new. Thank you
extends CharacterBody2D
@export var speed: int = 50 # Movement speed of the slime
@export var damage: int = 10 # Damage dealt by the slime
@export var attack_delay: float = 1.0 # Time between attacks in seconds
@export var attack_range: float = 50.0 # Range at which the slime can attack
var player = null # Reference to the player
var can_attack = true # Controls whether the slime can attack
@onready var attack_timer = Timer.new()
@onready var sprite: AnimatedSprite2D = $AnimatedSprite2D # Reference to the sprite node
@onready var attack_area: Area2D = $AttackArea # Reference to the AttackArea node (Area2D)
func _ready():
attack_timer.wait_time = attack_delay
attack_timer.one_shot = true
attack_timer.timeout.connect(Callable(self, "_on_attack_timer_timeout")) # Correct connect()
# Ensure player is found in the "Player" group
var players = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("Player")
if players.size() > 0:
player = players[0]
# Set initial animation
if sprite:
sprite.play("idle") # Play idle animation by default
# Connect the signal for collision detection from the attack Area2D
if attack_area:
attack_area.connect("body_entered", Callable(self, "_on_attack_area_entered")) # Correct connection
print("Error: AttackArea node not found!")
# Connect animation finished signal once during initialization
if sprite:
sprite.connect("animation_finished", Callable(self, "_on_attack_animation_finished")) # Correct connection
# Slime movement and animation handling
func _physics_process(_delta):
if player and is_instance_valid(player):
var direction = (player.global_position - global_position).normalized()
# Check the distance to the player and stop when too close
var distance_to_player = global_position.distance_to(player.global_position)
# If too close, stop the movement or slow it down
if distance_to_player > attack_range:
velocity = direction * speed
velocity = Vector2.ZERO # Stop moving if the slime is within attack range
# Update the animation based on whether the slime is attacking or idle
if sprite:
if not can_attack:
sprite.play("attack") # Attack animation is played while attacking
sprite.play("idle") # Idle animation when not attacking
# This function is triggered when the player enters the attack area
func _on_attack_area_entered(body):
print("Player entered attack area") # Debugging
if body.is_in_group("Player") and can_attack:
# Trigger attack animation first, then apply damage
if sprite:
print("Attack animation started") # Debugging
can_attack = false # Prevent further attacks until the timer expires
attack_timer.start() # Start the attack cooldown timer
# After the attack animation finishes, damage is applied
func _on_attack_animation_finished(anim_name):
print("Animation finished: ", anim_name) # Debugging
if anim_name == "attack":
# Only apply damage after the attack animation has finished
if player and player.is_instance_valid():
player.take_damage(damage, (player.global_position - global_position).normalized()) # Apply damage to player
print("Damage applied to player") # Debugging
# Reset attack animation logic
# Timer handling to allow the slime to attack again after a delay
func _on_attack_timer_timeout():
print("Attack timer finished") # Debugging
can_attack = true # Reactivate attacking after the attack delay
if sprite:
sprite.play("idle") # Return to idle animation after attack delay