Map Viewer - Openstreetmap or other tilemaps

For rendering openstreetmap, or any other tilemaps in godot.
Just for fun.
Video link


Very cool! :slight_smile: You might want to upload this to GitHub/GitLab/Codeberg (whatever you prefer) and maybe even submit it to the asset library?

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Hello folks,
is it possible to have the Godot project to run the script as in the video?
(I am newbie in Godot)

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What I did:

  1. Create a brand new project
  2. Add a new scene with the node Control.
  3. Attach to that node the script created by katolarsen.
  4. While in 2D, select the Control and set the Anchor preset for the whole Rect. (I failed to do this the first time I tried; newbie speaking too)

In that way, the map will react to your mouse actions namely:

  • the wheel will zoom-in/out.
  • you will be able to drag the map by left-clicking and dragging the map.

I hope this helps

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