This is an older project of mine but I thought I’d [be the first one to post here >:)] show it off again in a new place! Try it online here: Morse Code Simulator by popcar2
pretty cool project !
Amazing! I really liked the animations and sound effects
I really like your project and I was planning to port an old morse game that I found, but I’m still wondering how to keep the . and - separate with code (do you use a timer or something) I would be happy if I could get a short explanation or a code snippet.
It is a timer, yep! You can see the timers in the advanced settings of the project.
There’s a dah timer that’s 0.15 by default. If you press the button it starts the timer. Letting go while the timer is still running shows a .
, if the timer is stopped (so you held it for over 0.15 seconds), it shows a _
There’s two other timers: Letter timer and word timer. Same concept, but one timer is for how long you need to not touch the button for it to start another letter, and how long you need to wait for it to start another word.
Thank you, If I should Help you With exporting to android, im here.
For Android you need The Android SDK and The CMD tools (8GB storage space).
would be cool if this tool was also available for Android (or are you using an Apple Mac? otherwise I will be happy to help you export it via my PC).
One more question: how do you control the sound? Do you simply pause the audio stream player?
I just play and pause a looping audiostreamplayer.
I’m actually planning on revisiting this project, cleaning it up a bit, and then open sourcing it when Godot 4.4 comes out (the reason being it fixes a few annoying bugs I’ve faced like blurry popups). Maybe you can check it out and port it to Android then
I can’t wait for 4.4 to come out, I’ll burst soon if Godot 4.4 isn’t released this month:fire:
btw: cool blog
btw I`m a linux user😉
Version 2.0 is out! Most notably I started using AudioStreamGenerator rather than playing a sound file: Version 2.0 is now out! - Morse Code Simulator by popcar2
Also, @Megamichi, it’s now open source: GitHub - popcar2/MorseCodeSimulator: Morse Code teaching tool & toy for the web and desktop . Have at it.
Cool project! A fun addition could be the ability to import a sound file and “decode” the Morse signal directly. Would be like digital archaeology but with extra beeping!
Also, it totally gives me old-school modem vibes—same principle, just way faster and later packed with fancy compression and error correction algorithms. Maybe add an optional dial-up mode?
Bonus points if it randomly disconnects for full nostalgia!
Realy cool