Godot Version:
I drew a bag and animated it- I want it to use my shake animation when I press space and idle when I’m not. Can anyone help me as I tried earlier but couldn’t figure it out. Thanks
Godot Version:
I drew a bag and animated it- I want it to use my shake animation when I press space and idle when I’m not. Can anyone help me as I tried earlier but couldn’t figure it out. Thanks
You could play the animation when the action is pressed and stop when the action is released
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if event.is_action_pressed("shake"):
elif event.is_action_released("shake"):
Nothing in your scene as you’ve shown it has a script. Try attaching this script to “Baggy”
So now it plays the animation for “Shake” but when I let go it keeps playing the animation
You are also asking it to stop when you release a different action “Idle”.
Oh I fixed that. Thank you for your help!