evidence: it worked on my project.
If the script is in Autoload, copy it on clipboard (ctrl+ c) and delete it cuz autoload is like cyberpunk - it doesnt work
@gertkeno I’ve checked that video, and also checked around online for the low level stuff. From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voXapBgDdts , it seems if going C++ route, you better have a dedicated research team to take care of the details. The amount of work required and caveats required addressing would be quite unholy.
But again, I am quite happy with 4000 bullets at 50 fps already. I don’t think I will use more than 1000 bullets at once anyway. ie. I don’t need to blot out the sun like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv51gMcV1Mw at this moment.
try this:
if Input.is_action_pressed(“ui_up”):
velocity.y = velocity.y - 1 * delta
@borys9999 You are moving the object directly in one axis only, so it will be faster. For my case, it is moving in 3 axis. That’s why the need for Vector3.
than do it with 3 axis
what are u programming?
This is also a good video relevant for this topic: https://youtu.be/Ri2xIhcii8I
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