Multiplayer with voice chat in Godot VR?

Godot Version

'Godot 4.4`


`How would you make a multiplayer vr game? It should have:

An option to join a room code that has one or more players in it, or host a code to create a specific code, which only people that know it can join.

The ability to see players’ position, rotation, and their placeholder hand orbs moving in real time.

Voice chat- maybe? Can you do proximity chat in Godot VR?’

Proximity voice chat is possible in Godot, and not a VR-specific feature.

(Step by step guide to what I said above!)

Each of those features requires a bit of work to get running well; you’re out of step-by-step tutorial territory. Pick one feature, pick a small piece of it and try to understand the problem you need to solve and the tools Godot gives you. Even if the project doesn’t turn out perfectly you’ll learn something.

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