Multiple .pcks within web export

Godot Version



hello! i’m having trouble using multiple .pcks while using the web-export option

when running my project with the native debugger, i’m able to load a scene from a separate .pck file
however… when running off of a web export, the separate .pck seems to be unable to load! the console log only prints “UHG” over and over again

the reason i’d like to use multiple pcks is so that i can load a smaller file first that contains a custom loading animation to be played while the second .pck is downloaded

the code currently in the parent scene is the following:

func _ready():

func open():
	success = ProjectSettings.load_resource_pack("res://098.pck")

func open2():
	if success:
		var imported_scene = load("res://anim.tscn")
		success = ProjectSettings.load_resource_pack("res://098.pck")
		await get_tree().create_timer(1.0).timeout

i’ve made sure to have the other .pck held in the web export as well, so i’m not sure what’s going wrong…

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Hi, I have the same problem. Please help us.

How can I load/add multiple .pck files to web application in Godot (for example, for mods/modules)

I can access only to loaded files (through one single .pck). But I can’t load .pck outside of preloaded main. I dont know how to REACH other .pck

I know how to create .pck using PCKPacker

The main target is to load .pck file in web archive with main .pck. Or maybe I can somehow edit main .pck