Im making a 3D horror game, the graphics are normal, and it lags a lot, it goes like in 10 FPS or less wich isn’t good, i optimized my game by ussing oclussion culling advanced frustum culling, the texture resolution getting lower when you go further away, godot jolt, advanced LOD, superscaling and still lags
You’ve got the visual profiler up, looks like there are ~ 5 distinct contributors, can you scroll through and look for any high-value sections? Are you using baked lighting?
Good, you will only need to bake one Occlusion culling node
This is called mipmaps, it’s pretty important for reducing grainy textures but actually slightly increases VRam usage. Not really an optimization, should be automatic so i hope you did not write your own version of mipmaps.
Shouldn’t have impact on the visual profiler
This will make your game run worse, use a 1:1 render resolution or lower to improve framerate.
You can also use the “Perspective” menu to check a wireframe view, this will help you find high-density models see where your polygon budge is going. And check the overdraw view to see if your occlusion culling is working correctly.
One thing you might consider is dropping the quality of some of your assets. It’s good to have a game that looks really realistic, but for most people suspension of disbelief kicks in fast. In most games, once the player has been in the game for a few minutes, they care a lot more about a decent frame rate and control responsiveness than visual fidelity.
Ideally you can have visual fidelity and a good frame rate, but if you have to make a tradeoff, an uglier game with a solid frame rate is preferable to a pretty slide show.
All that said, there’s a variety of stuff that could be going on. How big is the scene you’re rendering? Are you doing anything with transparency which might be forcing the game to render a lot of stuff that doesn’t actually make it to the screen? What resolution are your textures? In terms of orders of magnitude, how many vertices are you throwing at the screen in your meshes? Are you doing anything complicated (or expensive) in shaders?