Hope you’re all doing well!
I recently completed my project for Winter Melon Jam 2024, a 3-day game jam. I managed to create a platformer during this time, and it turned out better than I expected!
I’d love to hear your feedback and thoughts. Looking forward to your ratings!
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Oh excellent job! Very polished and good fun too. Your grape char was lovely especially with how he looked down after reaching the top of the jump. Very nice work, do you know the jam results yet?
I was not so keen on the music. Sorry.
That mouse was so annoying, which makes him a great enemy. For a 3 day job your animation was excellent! Again, fantastic entry IMO.
results are not out yet. I’ll let you know once the results are out.
I don’t exactly have good test in music and it was a rush job, i just grabbed whatever free stuff I can get before few hours of deadline.
Thanks for your feedback.
the results are out my entry was ranked overall #95 out of 233 entries. I kind of expected better result that this. still the feedback provided by the judges is insightful.
gonna look into some 2d vfx and character interaction now.
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Hey that is better than you are making it sound! Being well into the top half is actually a solid achievement, well done! Game jams are all about learning and growth, and I’m sure you’ll do even better next time. Look forward to seeing your next game!
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Thanks mate.
recently submitted another platformer prototype for GDKO round 1. current version consist of some of the core metroidvania mechanics.
if interested you can check it out here: https://forsakenvoid.itch.io/not-done-yet.
I don’t know how to put it but developing game is like somtimes frustrating yet awesome and engaging thing.
The deeper you dive you realize its not possible to do everything on your own still for some reason you feel like you wants to at least tryout everything on your own.
In any case my next goal is to learn about some character interactions and VFX.
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