My Godot Game Base Project

I’m working on my base project to skip past the boilerplate and get right to the stuff. The very first version is ready and includes my SceneManager (which I’ve shared here before), a simple save system, and a few other necessities. The plan is to regularly updates this with new features by field-testing it with small games. Over time I’ll build up what I’m sure will be a very helpful library for me and hopefully some of you will find helpful too.

Source code is up on GitHub for free. I’m taking small manageable bites, but if y’all have any suggestions or feedback, I’m all :ear::ear:

(Apologies if this is in the wrong spot - there isn’t a Resources sub-section for source code and this isn’t really a tutorial, per-se. If this belongs elsewhere, mods, please move and help me understand why so I can avoid this in the future. Thanks in advance :raised_hands:)