func handle_grapple(delta):
if grappling:
var grapple_point = $"../grapple_point".global_transform.origin
var direction = (grapple_point - global_transform.origin)
var distance = global_transform.origin.distance_to(grapple_point)
var grapple_force = min(grapple_speed * delta * distance, grapple_max_speed)
grapple_add_vel = direction * grapple_force
gravity = 0
if distance < 1:
grappling = false
grapple_add_vel = Vector3.ZERO
grapple_add_vel = Vector3.ZERO
gravity = 0.5
My grappling system isn’t grappling me upwards or downwards unless I am already going in that direction. It also suspends me in midair if I place the grappling point on the ground and jump.
I am very new to the engine, so any tips would be much appreciated!
From my understanding, this should add the grappling vector to the velocity vector of my characterbody and move it in the direction of the grappling point, but maybe I need to do it some other way.
So how would I go about fixing it? I am looking to make the grapple script move me in the direction of the grapple point regardless of whether it’s vertical or horizontal. That’s why i removed the gravity while I’m grappling, but that doesn’t seem to work. Could you tell me how I could fix it?
I would really appreciate an answer.
Are you thinking a pull grapple hook in the style of this (not my project, not my sounds), or a swing hook, in the style of Karlson? For a pull grappling hook, they have a GitHub repo with the code and math to make it work (I have used it, and with a few edits, it works well). If you want a swing hook, you can use that as a template and when you start hooking, set rest_length to the length from the grapple point - 2 or so.