Need Advice on Asset Preparation and Collision Handling!

Godot Version

4.2.1 Stable


I’m tackling a prototype for a kitchen-style game, really early still. I’ve been importing gltf assets into a it’s own scene, adding (static|rigid)bodies and colliders, then add a single convex collision sibling and save. I decided to test an object’s physics. So I imported a stack of “bread” falling in the world. It fell into a tight pile. When the player collided with it the pile, everything slowed way down. This is when I realized I was in wayyyy over my head and I have a lot more to learn. HOWEVER once I switched the physics engine to Jolt, things improved greatly. Like night and day.

  1. Is this close to a normal experience or what should I have done differently?
  2. What’s the correct way to prepare an asset for a 3D game? Is there a correct way?
  3. I’m making no claims of expertise here, tons to learn. I’m stuck not wanting to move forward with this idea because I’m perplexed by all the properties that are missing; there’s nothing describing how objects interact. Bread versus a knife for example.