I am making a platformer and I want to add delta time to avoid fps problems. But whenever I multiply the speed by delta my character moves extremely slowly and it does not update the position nearly as often.
Why don’t you just increase your RUNSPEED and WALKSPEED constants until they feel right?
Your code seems correct and multiplying by delta is the correct approach. You just need to be aware that your previous values that you defined without taking delta into consideration will not be correct anymore and you might need to adjust them.
You have to think that the delta generally has a very small value, so when you multiply a number by it it will result in a smaller value, therefore, in order to reach the same value you have to use larger numbers.
The values can’t stay the same when you multiply by delta, no matter which engine you use. The same principle applies regardless of the engine.
E.g. if your game is running 100 FPS on average, the value of delta will be about 0.01 and you need approximately 100x larger multiplier value to achieve the same effect as without delta. You would need to do the same regardless of the engine used.