Good afternoon, help. Need to calculate the distance between Area2D and CharacterBody2D. Func distance_to() does not work
That is the correct way to check the distance, show what is going wrong and some code would help understand what you’re doing wrong
This code is bound to an Area2D object, I think then replace the parent node with Node2D and the problem will be solved - 2024 05 08 06 56 17 — Postimages. Sorry, I don’t know how to attach a screenshot)
From the screenshoot you posted I see that you are passing the node, but not a Vector2, just pass the local position (or global_position) like this:
distance = position.distance_to(weapon_parent.position)
I’m assuming here that you are calculating the distance from the CharacterBody2d, if you need to do it from other script you just need a reference to the two nodes and use position or global_position.
Thank you so much
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