Godot Version
I’m using AnimationTree to handle my animations, but I’m getting an error when I start the animation:
E 0:00:06:0428 _start_children: Root/Nested AnimationNodeStateMachine can't have path from parent AnimationNodeStateMachine.
<C++ Error> Method/function failed.
<C++ Source> scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp:387 @ _start_children()
Even with that error, the animation runs normally. My animation tree looks like that:
With the following lines, I start the animation:
animation_tree[str(animation_path)] = actor.face_direction
playback.start(animation_name, true)
The ComboAttack is a StateMachine that goes like this (I’m probably doing it wrong):
All other transitions seem to be running fine.
How do I properly call the animation and get rid of this error?